Friday, October 24, 2014

But God!

Earlier today my husband posted on my Facebook timeline and asked me to re-post the link for something I'd written on the blog back in August.  I resisted at first, but have chosen (this time) to do what he has asked me to do.  This post will make more sense after reading the one from August.  Click here to read that post first.  

Since August, much of the specific information has changed.  I have now been in a wheelchair for 6 months.  I have now seen 5 doctors for my foot/ankle. I have had CT, MRI, bone density, and 47 x-rays. I am now in an aircast rather than a hard cast.  I am still totally non-weight bearing. The testing I was going through never stopped but expanded into areas beyond allergies.  Bad test results and yucky diagnoses are still pouring in, it seems. I have more tests, procedures, and surgery every other day (literally) for the next couple of weeks.  It seems that my body just doesn't like me any more.  

While the specifics of my heath have changed, the message hasn't. Yes, I am a little more weary, "BUT GOD" still applies.  Even on the days when I am tired of it all and I don't want to go to one more doctor or look at one more test result, He is still faithful.  

HE is faithful even when I am not!  I'm so thankful that God's love for us isn't as conditional as my love is for those around me.  Does that make it FEEL all better? NO!  Do I wish I was walking?  YES!  Do I wish...?  YES!  I DO wish! Most of all I wish that each of you would know the love of Christ and His comfort and peace. It is perfect even when my imperfect faith wavers.  It is perfect when I don't see His plan or understand.  It is perfect because He is GOD!  

"BUT GOD..."Where is your road rocky leading you today?  Where do you need a "BUT GOD"?  Know right now that I am not good enough or special enough to earn "BUT GOD"  It is just as available to you in your storms as it is to me in mine. Call out to Him today.  Call out to Him right there in the middle of our trials and struggles and imperfections.  Call out to Him right there in your sin and failure.  


STILL Because of Christ,

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